손톱에 얹는 손톱 시계... 미래의 시계들 화제

2008년 7월 22일(화) 10:57 [팝뉴스]

휴대폰, 초소형 PC, GPS 장치 등 휴대가 가능한 전자 제품들이 일상생활의 필수품으로 자리잡으면서 점점 손목 시계는 사람들의 관심속에서 멀어져가고 있는 분위기다. 굳이 시계를 휴대하지 않아도 다른 전자 제품들을 통해 언제 어느 장소에서든 현재 시간을 확인할 수 있기 때문.

그렇다면 미래의 시계는 어떤 모습일까? 시계 제조업체 타이멕스와 디자인 전문 인터넷 사이트 코어77 닷컴이 전 세계 디자이너를 대상으로 '미래 시계 디자인 대회'를 열었다.

이 디자인 대회에 아이디어가 돋보이는 다양한 시계들이 출품되었는데, 그 중 가장 눈길을 끄는 종류는 스티븐 슈버트 등 미국 디자이너 3명이 함께 고안한 '손톱 시계'. 'TX 54'라는 이름이 붙여진 이 시계는 손톱에 부착할 수 있는 형태로 설계되었다. 시간 및 달력 기능을 갖추고 있는 것은 물론 색깔을 수시로 바꿀 수 있어 손톱 장식용 패션 아이템으로도 손색이 없다는 것이 해외 언론들의 설명.

시계 디자인 경연 대회에는 손톱 시계를 비롯해 콘택트렌즈 시계, 스티커 시계 등 다양한 작품들이 선을 보였다.

가장 주목을 받은 작품은 손톱 시계이지만 디자인 대회 우승은 러시아 디자이너 알렉세이 코프테프의 '스티커 시계'가 차지했다. 가방, 옷 등 어느 곳에라도 간단히 붙일 수 있다는 점이 스티커 시계의 장점.

손톱 시계 및 스티커 시계는 19일 해외 디자인 관련 언론을 통해 소개되면서 화제를 낳고 있는 중.

(사진 : 손톱 시계 및 스티커 시계의 모습 / 미래의 시계 디자인 대회 보도자료 사진)

정진수 기자

Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자
예전 블로그에 스크랩 해놨던 글인데 좋은 글이라 다시 올려봅니다.

insight와 idea의 차이

제가 좋아하는 단어 중의 하나가 인사이트(insight)입니다.
직접적으로 해석을 해보면 ‘속(in)’을 ‘바라보는(sight)’ 능력이라는 뜻이지요. 겉이 아니고 속을 바라보는, 진실을 바라보는, 구조를 바라보는, 내면을 바라보는 그런 능력을 말하는 것입니다.
몇 해 전인가 예전에 회사에서 일을 참 잘한다고 평가 받던 부장 한 분이 계셨는데 임원 승진이 한차례 누락되면서 미래를 불안하게 바라보며 초조한 심정으로 생활하고 있었습니다. 그 불안감 중의 하나는 ‘요즘 젊은 사람들보면 정말 아이디어가 좋고 창의적이다. 내가 쫓아갈 수가 없다’라는 것이었습니다.
또 제일기획의 제작 상무로 재직 중인 카피라이터 출신의 최인아님은 젊은 시절을 회고하면서 ‘저는 그 때 톡톡 튀던 동료들을 보고 참 부러웠었습니다. 남들의 반짝이는, 화려한 아이디어를 만들어 내는 능력이 부러웠었습니다, 저는 그렇지 못했거든요’라고 말 한 적이 있었습니다.(하지만 최인아님은 기초를 게을리하지 않고 차근차근 스터디해가면서 지금은 제일기획 최초의 마에스터로 선정되었죠).
저는 아이디어(idea)라는 말도 참 좋아합니다. 살아 있음을 느끼게 하는 단어거든요. 순발력과 활력이 그 속에는 넘쳐 흐릅니다. 신입사원이 들어오면(사실 완전한 신입사원보다는 입사해서 6개월에서 1년 정도의..) 각종 아이디어 회의에서 빛나는 아이디어를 쏟아내놓습니다. 멋진 일이죠.
그런데 아이디어와 인사이트는 어떤 차이가 있는 걸까요?
첫번째, 성공의 확률에 있습니다. 아이디어는 실패의 확률이 80% 이상이고 인사이트는 성공의 확률이 80% 이상입니다.
두번째, 인사이트는 지식과 경험의 함수이고, 아이디어는 재능과 용기의 함수입니다. 재능을 타고 태어난 자, 그리고 실패를 두려워하지 않거나 남의 시선을 참아내는 용기를 갖춘 자는 아이디어를 잘 만들어냅니다. 그것이 완전한 창조이든, 모방이든. 인사이트는 많은 지식의 축적과 다양한 경험 속에서 한 개 두 개, 그러나 가치 있게 생겨납니다. ‘전문적인 지혜’에 가깝습니다. 앞에서 잠깐 얘기한 모 부장은 인사이트의 위력을 스스로 발견하지 못했던 것은 아닐까요? 경험 많은 자의 진정한 가치와 인사이트를 간과한 것 아닐까요?

세번째, 인사이트는 많은 사유와 갈등,슬럼프의 산물입니다. 특히 갈등과 슬럼프를 겪게 되면 결국은 하나의 대단한 인사이트를 품에 안고 탈출하게 됩니다. 그 인사이트의 위력은 수십,수백개 아이디어의 위력의 합만큼 가치가 큽니다. 
재능이 부족하다고 자책하지 말 것이며, 어느새 나이 들었다고 한탄할 이유가 없습니다. 그 시간에 기초부터 차근 차근 놓치지 말고 공부하십시오. 어느 날 급속도로 늘어있는 인사이트에 자신도 모르게 웃고 있는 스스로를 발견하게 될 것 입니다. 앞에서 언급한 최인아 상무는 광고부문에 있어서 많은 인사이트를 축적한 분이지요.
특히 이제, 사회에 발을 내딛는 분들은 앞으로 사회 생활 10년 후를 상상해 봅시다. 누구는 많은 인사이트를 갖고 있는, 누구는 인사이트 하나 없는 사람으로 남게 될 것입니다. 어떤 존재가 멋있는가는 당연지사이지요? 그리고 그것은 어느 누구의 도움으로 되는 것이 아니고 100%% 자기 책임 하에서 이루어지는 결과입니다.

인사이트를 많이 지닌 사람, 어느 분야에서 무슨 일을 하시던 간에 분명히 하나의 비젼이 될 것입니다.
무엇을 하고 있을까라는 것보다 어떻게 살아가고 있을 것인가에 대한 이야기입니다.
<CJ엔프라니 마케팅실장 김왕기>
Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자
요즘은 급격한(?) 체력저하로 못하고 있지만...
한동안 한강다리를 넘어 퇴근을 자주 했다.
장마가 거치면 이제 또 열심히 할 생각이다.

예전에 울 팀장님도 한번 홍수인가 뭔가가 나서 교통이 끊겨서
한강대교를 넘어본적이 있으시단다...

내가 퇴근길에 주로 넘는 다리는 올림픽대교와 천호대교이다.

이걸 보니..천호대교로 다녀야 하나 라는 생각이 든다 ^^
걍..광진교로 다닐까? ^^

한강 다리중에서 가장 길이가
긴 다리는 김포대교(2,280m)이고,
짧은 다리는 한남대교(915m)입니다.
참고로 각 다리의 길이는
강동대교:1,126미터 이네요!


Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자
“오피스SW는 직원들이 효율적으로 문서작업 및 업무를 처리할 수 있도록 도와주는 제품이며, 업무환경 변화에 따라 협업 및 커뮤니케이션의 중요성이 증대하고 있어 UC기반의 사업을 강화하고 있다”고 말했다.
Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자

유럽연합이 이미 1년이나 된 인텔에 대한 반독점 소송에 세 가지 혐의를 더 추가했다. 이 소식은 이미 예견된 것이었지만, 인텔의 경재업체인 AMD가 수장을 바꾼 것은 미처 예상치 못한 것이었다. 지난 주 목요일에 터진 이 사건과 함께 목요일 IT 뉴스의 헤드라인은 복잡했다. 샌프란시스코의 IT 관리자가 패스워드를 넘겨주지 않겠다며 도시 네트워크를 인질로 잡는 사건이 발생했기 때문이다. 하나하나 짚어보자.

EU가 인텔에 대한 새로운 반독점 소송을 시작했다. 유럽위원회가 이미 지난 7월에 제기한 인텔의 반독점 소송에 새로운 혐의를 추가했다. 인텔의 혐의는 경쟁업체인 AMD의 영업을 방해하기 위해 불공정 행위를 했다는 것. 유럽연합위원회는 인텔이 유럽의 PC 판매업체에게 인텔 기반의 PC 만을 판매하는 조건으로 엄청난 리베이트를 제공했으며, 주요 PC 업체에 AMD CPU를 사용한 제품을 출시하지 않도록 영향력을 행사한 혐의를 받고 있었다. 이번에 추가된 세 번째 혐의는 인텔이 이들 주요 PC 업체들에게 노트북 CPU를 모두 인텔 제품만 사용하는 조건으로 리베이트를 제공했다는 것이다. 인텔은 새로운 혐의에 대해 AMD가 수년 동안 주장하고 있는 이야기와 동일한 주장이라며, 인텔은 항상 적법한 방법으로 사업을 하고 있다고 주장했다. 인텔은 “전세계 마이크로프로세서 시장은 정상적으로 기능하고 있으며, 매우 경쟁이 치열한 시장이라고 확신한다”고 밝혔다.

AMD, 새로운 CEO 임명. 분석가들은 계속 적자를 기록하던 AMD가 새로운 CEO로 더크 마이어(Dirk Meyer)를 임명하면서 부활을 노리고 있다고 분석했다. 전임 CEO 헥토르 루이즈는 회장과 이사회 회장을 맡는다. 이 발표는 AMD의 7분기 연속 적자 발표와 함께 이루어졌다. 인텔과 경쟁을 벌이고 있는 AMD는 핸드헬드 장비와 디지털 TV 사업에도 뛰어들었는데, 분석가들은 이번 인사 이동이 AMD가 정상화되기 위해 필요한 적절한 조치라고 평가했다.

IT 관리자의 네트워크 인질극. 올해 43세의 테리 차일즈는 샌프란시스코 시의 IT 관리자로, 시의 광 WAN을 볼모로 잡고 있다고 고소됐다. 차일즈는 심문에서 무죄를 주장했다. 차일즈는 권한없는 액세스 시스템을 설정하고, 시 네트워크의 스위치와 라우터의 관리 패스워드를 밖누 다음, 이를 넘겨주지 않고 있다. 샌프란시스코 시의 통신 정보 서비스부의 다른 IT 관리자들은 네트워크를 제어할 수 있는 권한을 확보하느라 애를 쓰고 있다. 차일즈는 현재 500만 달러의 보석금 판정을 받았는데, 이런 사건에서는 전례없이 높은 액수이다.

야후는 MS의 제안을 또 다시 거부했다. 야후가 바라는 것은 회사 전체를 인수하는 것이지 검색 사업만 매각하는 것이 아니기 때문이다. 상황은 점점 복잡하게만 되고 있다. 칼 아이칸은 오는 주주총회에서 이사회의 구성원을 바꿔서 야후를 매각한다는 계획을 추진하고 있으며, 마이크로소프트는 AOL의 모회사인 타임워너와 인수에 대해 이야기하고 있다. AOL 인수는 야후 인수보다는 훨씬 쉽게 온라인 사업을 강화하는 방법이기는 하지만, 야후와 같은 검색 사업의 장점을 갖고 있지는 못한 것이 흠이다. 한편 야후의 주요 주주들은 현재의 야후 이사회를 지지하는 것으로 나타나 앞으로도 양사 간의 거래가 쉽게 풀릴 것으로 보이지는 않는다.

애플, 맥 클론 업체 사이스타 고소. 애플이 사이스타를 저작권 위반 혐의로 고소했는데, 모든 제품을 리콜하라는 애플의 요구는 아마 사이스타를 폐업시키는 것이 될 것으로 보인다. 사이스타는 지난 4월부터 일명 해킨토시라고 불리는 컴퓨터를 판매해 왔는데, 인텔 시스템을 탑재한 컴퓨터에 맥 OS X의 변형판을 설치한 제품이었다. 맥 OS X는 애플 컴퓨터에만 설치하도록 되어있어 그 동안 저작권 및 라이선스 위반에 관한 문제가 계속 제기되어왔다. 지적재산권 관련 변호사들은 사이스타가 소송에서 자사를 방어하는 것만으로도 정상적인 사업이 어려울 것으로 보고 있다.

악성 프로그램 폭발적 증가. ScanSafe의 보고서에 따르면, 웹 기반의 악성 프로그램 증가가 올 상반기에만 무려 278%의 증가세를 보였다. 이 보고서는 ScanSafe가 조사한 600억 건의 웹 요청과 상반기에 차단한 6억 개의 웹 위협을 연구한 것이다. 이러한 증가에는 지난 달 일어난 SQL 인젝션에 감염된 사이트의 폭증이 적지 않은 영향을 미친 것으로 보인다. 하지만 더 나쁜 소식도 있다. ScanSafe는 오는 8월 DNS 취약점에 대한 상세한 내용이 발표되면 악성 프로그램이 급증할 수 있다고 경고했다.

구글의 한 직원의 실수로 개발자들의 공적이 되고 말았다. 문제의 핵심은 구글이 안드로이드 SDK를 특정 개발자에게만 공개하겠다는 것. 많은 개발자들이 실망한 것은 물론, 적지 않은 개발자들이 애플 아이폰용 애플리케이션을 개발하겠다고 말하고 있다.

북경 올림픽의 IT에 대한 관심 증가. 2008 북경 올림픽을 보러 직접 북경에 가지 않는다고 해도, 많은 IT인들이 중화인민공화국 수도의 IT에 대한 관심이 높다. 북경은 전세계에서 가장 큰 이동통신 시장과 인터넷 사용자 시장을 갖고 있지만, 아직 도쿄나 홍콩, 서울과 비교하기에는 기술적으로는 뒤처지는 것으로 평가되고 있다. 물론 올림픽 개최는 북경으로서도 기술적으로 성장할 수 있는 좋은 기회가 될 것이다.

Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자

[외국어] 대한민국 영어 1교시
이경훈 지음 | 팝콘북스 | 2006년 01월
9,800원 7,840원 (20% 할인) | 390원 (5% 적립)
예상출고일 : 72시간 이내
간략정보 더보기 새창으로보기

읽은 날 : 2008년 7월 18일

사실은 추천하고자 쓴 글은 아니다. -.-;
다만 나의독설을 풀어보고자 ..-.-;

영어 실력이 높지 않아
남의 책을 이렇다 저렇다 판단 할 수준이 못되는 사람이기는 하지만..

정말로 결론이..뭔가.. 별로 맘에 안드는 책이다.

이책의 결론은.. Native Speaker를 Cosmom을 삼아서 열심히 해보라가..

Native Speaker를 만나기가 그렇게 쉬운가?

또.. 만난다 한들 그들이 책에서 나오는 Bill 처럼 해줄수 있는 열정을 가진

Native가 얼마나 될런지 의심스럽다...

걍.. 저자가 참 운좋은 사람이었다라고..밖에는...-.-;

그 운잉 배가 아픈걸까 나는?

원래 이책을 보게 된건 예전 KBS에서 김원희와 이훈이 진행했던 대한민국 1교시가 연상되어 혹시 그 프로그램에서 했던 내용을 정리해놓거나 활용해놓은 책이 아닐까 해서 봤는데..-.-;

물론 문구하나하나 보진 않았지만..-.-; 사실 볼 필요도 별로 없었다.

영어 학습서 치고는 한글의 비중의 95%이상인지라 -.-;

그렇다고 영절하처럼 뭔가 확 깨거나 와닿지도 않는..

정말로 ebook으로 공짜로 구해서 봤기에 넘 다행이다 싶다..

마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은 혼동들하지 마시라.. 예전 TV에서 했던 프로그램과

이 책과..

혹시 나처럼 KBS에서 했던 대한민국 1교시 내용이 궁금한 사람은..예전 내 empas 블로그의

내용을 옮겨놓을 예정이니 그때 참고들 하시라 TGIF
Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자
일주일에 두 세번은 걸려오고...한번내지 세번 이내에 끊기는 전화들..
스팸인지 확인 !!!


요즘은 신규로 만드는 전화번호가 많은 것일까?
우연찮게 스팸성 느낌이오는데.. 아직 등록된게 없는걸로 나오네..?
Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자

웹에서 50명의 가장 중요한 사람들

기사입력 :
 2007.03.19 11:30
여기에 당신이 온라인으로 읽고, 보고, 듣고, 쓰고, 사고, 팔고, 친구되기 외 그 밖의 다른 모든것들에서 중심적인 역할을 하는 사람들이 있다. Despite what Time magazine would have you believe, you are not the most powerful or influential person on the Web. At PC World we love online personals, social networks, and videos of people falling on their keisters as much as the next person, but without the folks who create the Craigslists, MySpaces, and YouTubes of the world, much of the Web's potential would be lost among spam sites and other online detritus.

So who's making the biggest impact online? We considered hundreds of the Web's most noteworthy power brokers, bloggers, brainiacs, and entrepreneurs to figure out whose contributions are shaping the way we use the Web. We whittled the list down to the top 50 -- well, actually the top 62 -- people, but as you'll see, there are some you just can't separate. And don't despair: Get a little more traffic on your Web site, and you may show up on the list next year.

Important People #1 through #5

1. Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, and Sergey Brin
Executives, Google

When your stock price can top US$500 a share, you're collectively worth $33 billion in cash, and you run the most trafficked search engine on the Internet, you can afford to do, well, pretty much whatever you want. Sergey Brin and Larry Page's little project from Stanford has grown into the Web's most talked-about powerhouse, and one of the few names on this list to have morphed into a verb. Schmidt left Novell to join the board of directors at Google in 2001 and soon became the company's CEO. Having conquered the online advertising world, Google seems to be gearing up for an acquisition spree, its headline-grabbing purchase of YouTube marking a big step toward complete domination of the Web.
2. Steve Jobs
CEO, Apple

No doubt you're sick of the media bonanza surrounding the every move of Apple's CEO, but when one man's appeal for DRM-free music reverberates around the world, it's hard to ignore the power he wields. Jobs popularized legal music downloads and legal TV and movie downloads. And though the iPhone won't be released for five months, its demonstration at MacWorld Expo suggested that this product might finally popularize Internet browsing on a mobile device.
3. Bram Cohen
Cofounder, BitTorrent

P2P systems like KaZaA and eDonkey are so last year. The future is all about BitTorrent , the brainchild of math wizard and programming wunderkind Bram Cohen. BitTorrent, developed in 2001, has gained in popularity as a way to download large files (like movies) by sharing the burden across hardware and bandwidth. The technology's adeptness at handling large files got Cohen in trouble with the Motion Picture Association of America, which ordered BitTorrent to remove copyrighted content from its network. But that setback hasn't slowed it down. Reportedly, more than a third of all Web traffic now comes from BitTorrent clients. BitTorrent and the entertainment heavyweights have since joined forces. The newly released BitTorrent Entertainment Network launched recently with thousands of industry-approved movies, television shows, games, and songs for sale and rental.
4. Mike Morhaime
President, Blizzard Entertainment

In the world of online gaming, there is World of Warcraft and there is everything else. With 8 million players worldwide, Blizzard earns about $1.5 billion a year on WoW. And each player is breathlessly beholden to Mike Morhaime for the chance -- if it ever comes -- to obtain that Blade of Eternal Justice. As with Second Life (see #17 ), entire real-world businesses are based around the game. Unlike Second Life, though, these businesses -- which exploit the WoW economy and gameplay -- are not entirely welcome.
5. Jimmy Wales
Founder, Wikipedia

Many onliners treat Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia as their first and last stop in researching a topic; and its user generated content has become so reliable that Nature magazine declared it "close to [Encyclopaedia] Britannica" in accuracy. The site has been cited as a source of information in more than 100 U.S. court decisions since 2004. But its popularity has also made Wikipedia a target for spammers -- so much so that Wikipedia temporarily blocked the entire country of Qatar from making edits. To thwart spammers, Wales decided to slap "nofollow" tags on external links, telling search engines to ignore the links in order to avoid artificially inflating the search engine ranking of the link targets. This strategy ensures that Wikipedia's prominence in search results will continue to grow. But Wikipedia may just be the beginning for Wales. He recently launched his own search engine, WikiSeek, which searches only sites mentioned in Wikipedia.
Important People #6 through #10

6. John Doerr
Venture capitalist, Kleiner, Perkins, Caulfield & Byers

A former salesman for Intel, John Doerr has been the king of Silicon Valley venture capital for 27 years, investing in tech businesses ranging from Sun Microsystems to Amazon.com to Google. Jeff Bezos (see #24 ) once described Doerr as "the center of gravity in the Internet." He has also put his money behind his politics, backing controversial state ballot initiatives in California involving alternative energy and stem-cell research.
7. Craig Newmark
Founder, Craigslist

His Web site has no ads, charges absurdly low fees to a small fraction of its visitors, has a ".org" domain, and employs 23 people. Yet despite its humble appearance, Craigslist racked up 14.1 million page views last December and was the 52nd most viewed site last December according to comScore Media Metrix. Newmark's Craigslist has become an addiction for many, who impulsively refresh the listings of free stuff, "rants & raves," and personal ads while shirking their day jobs. Most importantly, it has almost singlehandedly demolished the offline classified advertising business. (In the San Francisco Bay Area alone, one study found, the site drains up to $65 million annually from local newspapers' help-wanted ads.) Take that, old media!
8. Peter Levinsohn
President, Fox Interactive Media

Fox Interactive Media, owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation , is one of the Web's most powerful entities, controlling 13 sites that range from uber-popular MySpace.com to controversial FoxNews.com. A complement to News Corp's array of traditional film and television properties, this Internet-focused division ranked among the top 10 visited properties in the world in December 2006, according to comScore World Metrix. And there will probably be more to come, as Fox Interactive still has $2 billion in acquisition money to play around with, according to TechCrunch (see #30 ).
9. Marissa Mayer
Vice president for search products & user experience, Google

Google's product czar oversees the search giant's increasingly diversified list of Web services and tools, such as Google Maps, Google Desktop, and Google Base -- an eBay-esque e-commerce service. The first lady of Google joined the company as its first female engineer in 1999 (she was approximately employee #20) and worked on developing Google's now-familiar minimalist look. But don't accuse her of all work and no play; according to Google's Web site, she organizes employee movie nights.
10. Chad Hurley and Steve Chen
Founders, YouTube

Despite Google's acquisition of the company, YouTube founders Chad Hurley (CEO) and Steve Chen (CTO) look like they'll be shaking things up for some time to come. The Internet video kingpin announced plans to pay users for videos, and it has signed several big-media content partnerships (with MTV, NBC, Warner Music, and others). Fellow co-founder Jawed Karim left the company to pursue a master's in computer science at Stanford University.
Important People #11 through #15

11. Kevin J. Martin
Chairman, Federal Communications Commission

He may look innocent and unassuming, but Martin is arguably the most powerful bureaucrat on the Web. He took over the reins of the FCC in 2005, and to date he has encountered minimal controversy and none of the scandals that predecessor Michael Powell suffered. But that doesn't mean he couldn't cut off your Internet connection like that if he really wanted to.
12. Brad Templeton
Chairman of the board, Electronic Frontier Foundation

If you've ever found yourself on the wrong side of an electronic copyright or privacy scuffle, you know that Brad Templeton and the Electronic Frontier Foundation are your friends. They've defended file-sharers sued by the Recording Industry Association of America and filed complaints against America Online for disclosing subscriber search terms; currently they're fighting to unmuzzle bloggers who published leaked documents related to Eli Lilly's alleged misrepresentation of side effects of the drug Zyprexa. Templeton's passion about copyright and free speech is not surprising. The Web publishing veteran got his start back in 1989 when he founded ClariNet, a company that published what Templeton calls "the Net's first newspaper."
13. Henry Chon
CEO, Cyworld

Don't call Cyworld a Korean MySpace; MySpace is an American Cyworld. In South Korea, an estimated 25 percent of the population (and 90 percent of people in their teens and twenties) have Cyworld accounts, where individuals design miniature animated avatars to represent them in its unique online space. In 2006 CEO Henry Chon brought Cyworld to U.S. shores. Though Cyworld hasn't yet achieved comparable success here, MySpace shouldn't rest easy if Chon's track record is any indication of future competition.
14. Shana Fisher
Senior vice president for strategy and M&A, IAC/InterActiveCorp

IAC/InterActiveCorp chairman and CEO Barry Diller loves his online enterprises. After a buying binge, IAC now owns Ask.com, Citysearch, Expedia, Match.com, Ticketmaster, and a host of other service-oriented Web businesses. But who tells Diller where to plunk down the cash? That would be his mergers and acquisitions advisor, senior VP Shana Fisher, who determines exactly where and when IAC should invest. Her control over IAC's purse strings makes her arguably the most powerful woman on the Internet.
15. Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis
Founders, Skype and KaZaA

It seems like Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis just can't stop themselves. First they built the popular (though malware-addled) peer-to-peer file-sharing network KaZaA; then they followed that endeavor up by building the amazingly popular VoIP software Skype. After selling Skype to eBay (see #28 ) for $2.6 billion, the duo has gone back to the drawing board to produce Joost (formerly "The Venice Project"), a P2P video distribution service that is currently in private beta form. Will Zennstrom and Friis pull off a trifecta of killer apps? After being forced to settle an RIAA lawsuit over KaZaA for more than $100 million, they are negotiating directly with content providers as they prepare for Joost's official launch.
Important People #16 through #20

16. Matt Mullenweg
Developer, WordPress blogging site and software

Matt Mullenweg can barely buy a drink, but this 22-year-old open-source enthusiast developed WordPress , the open-source publishing software favored by blogging diehards around the world. In 2004, WordPress became well-enough known that Web publishing powerhouse CNet hired Mullenweg to work on it and other projects. Mullenweg quit in 2005, however, to work full-time on WordPress, which today is more like a content-management system, with various templates, widgets, and plug-ins, and Askismet antispam protection (we reviewed the service in January 2007.)
17. Philip Rosedale
CEO, Linden Lab

Philip Rosedale took the MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) concept and spun it into the Web's most talked-about virtual destination: Second Life. But don't call it just a game. For more and more "residents," Second Life has become a first life, where they can do everything in the virtual world from getting married to launching businesses that function exclusively within the site's confines. Many real-world businesses have opened Second Life branches, too. In fact, Second Life has become so popular that the inevitable backlash has begun: Nick Denton's Valleywag (see #45 ) has compared the game's economy to a pyramid scheme
18. Jon Lech Johansen
Creator, DeCSS decryption program

Better known as DVD-Jon, Jon Lech Johansen is the Norwegian hacker who broke the encryption system used on DVD movies, thereby allowing them to be copied. He released the DeCSS decryption program in 2002 and was promptly prosecuted in his homeland. Eventually acquitted, Johansen went on to crack Apple's iTunes DRM (repeatedly) while working as a software developer in the United States. Beaten to the punch in cracking high-definition DVD formats by the still-anonymous muslix64, who created "backup" programs for HD DVD late last year and for Blu-ray Disc in January, Johansen nonetheless remains the renegade that big media fears most.
19. Jerry Yang, David Filo, and Terry Semel
Executives, Yahoo

Google's product innovations and its blockbuster purchase of YouTube for $1.65 billion may have pushed Yahoo out of the limelight, but the Web giant led by founders Yang and Filo and CEO Terry Semel are fighting back. In the past two years, Yahoo has acquired online photo-sharing site Flickr and social bookmarking site Del.icio.us. It also continues to launch new properties such as Yahoo Food and Yahoo Pipes (for creating custom data feeds). Yahoo's recent switch to the Panama advertising platform represents another attempt to recapture ad revenue from Google. (Full disclosure: The author of this story writes a blog hosted at tech.yahoo.com.)
20. Jack Ma
COO, Alibaba.com

Want to do business in China without springing for a plane ticket to Shanghai? Alibaba.com is your best bet. Founded by Jack Ma in 1999, this massively successful business-to-business e-marketplace is the best place online to meet people and trade proposals and product offers. (Ma has been quoted as saying that the firm got its bizarre start when he was kidnapped in Malibu and released on the condition he help his captor start a business in China.) In 2005, Yahoo (see #19 ) made a multibillion-dollar investment in Alibaba, which now runs Yahoo China. The venture recently became mired in scandal, when it provided information that led to the imprisonment of a Chinese journalist accused of leaking state secrets.
Important People #21 through #25

21. Brewster Kahle
Director, Internet Archive

Since 1996, the nonprofit Internet Archive has been collecting terabytes of data -- old books, movies, music, and radio shows. Meanwhile, another feature, called the Wayback Machine, has been quietly taking snapshots of Web history to memorialize where we browsed. Take a look at the Internet Archive's old snapshots of your favorite Web sites and you may be shocked at how different they used to be. Kahle cofounded the Internet Archive with the goal of "preserving our digital heritage," but don't let the humble curatorial pose fool you: Kahle has also challenged changes to U.S. copyright law in Kahle vs. Gonzales , a high-profile First Amendment legal case.
22. Ray Ozzie
Chief software architect, Microsoft

In 2006, when Bill Gates abdicated the position of chief software architect at Microsoft after 30 hands-on years, observers applauded his choice of successor: software visionary Ray Ozzie. The creator of Lotus Notes and Groove collaboration software is now charged with ensuring Microsoft's technological relevance in an age in which the Web threatens to replace the traditional desktop OS. A pioneer in computer-based collaboration, Ozzie seems well equipped to do the job. One piece of unsolicited advice, Ray: You might consider updating your blog as a first step.
23. Markos Moulitsas Zuniga
Blogger, Daily Kos

The left's most high-profile voice on the Web, Markos "Kos" Moulitsas, is a political powerhouse without equal online. His blog draws comments from liberals ranging from Nancy Pelosi to Jimmy Carter, and Moulitsas even launched a conference (broadcast in part on C-Span) for like-minded political activists. Kos's endorsements haven't always triumphed, but his backing of Ned Lamont was influential in opponent Joe Lieberman's loss of the Democratic Senate primary in Connecticut last year, though Lieberman eventually won the general election as an independent. Kos has not indicated any desire to run for office himself as yet.
24. Jeff Bezos
CEO, Amazon

He may have launched Amazon.com with the goal of developing it into a big online bookstore, but Bezos proved that shlepping books and CDs across the country was just a first act. The next round: adding toys, T-shirts, and power tools. And now, for scene three, Bezos has thrown himself into Web services. What does it mean? Just the start of a new framework for developing Web sites, including "utility computing" services that let you buy server time at a rate of 10 cents an hour. While we wait to find out how his newfangled grid computing strategies pan out, don't forget that Bezos will sell you a Barbie Fashion Fever Grow 'N Style Styling Head for 50 percent off.
25. Robert Scoble
Vice president of media development, PodTech.net

You know a grassroots movement is a success when big business wants to join in. And for once, big business -- namely Microsoft -- did it right. This was largely due to Robert Scoble . At the time a Microsoft employee, he blogged about the company and revealed a human -- and sometimes egg-covered -- side of the Redmond empire. The glimpse into Microsoft's inner workings, cool technologies, and smart people shattered (or at least dented) the Microsoft stereotype. Microsoft blogs have subsequently become an integral part of the company's communication with users. In 2006 Scoble left Microsoft for PodTech.net, where his video podcast Scoble Show features interviews with geeks. Recent guests include PC World's editor in chief Harry McCracken, who stopped in to debate the eternal question: Mac or PC? Scoble has also interviewed 2008 presidential candidate John Edwards , whose outspoken bloggers got him into hot water .
Important People #26 through #30

26. John Battelle
Entrepreneur and chairman, Federated Media Publishing

Entrepreneur and journalist John Battelle has had a ringside seat for the unfolding of Webs 1.0, 2.0 (he cohosts the Web 2.0 Summit conference with Tim O'Reilly -- see #36 ), and (in its preliminary stages) 3.0. In addition, he founded what some would call the Vanity Fair and the People Magazine of the Internet era: Wired Magazine and The Industry Standard. His most recent venture, Federated Media Publishing, represents the A-list of online content. Its slate of more than 50 sites includes 43 Folders, Ars Technica, BoingBoing, and TechCrunch. Battelle's 2005 book The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture and his blog Searchblog are required reading for anyone who wants to understand the constantly evolving landscape of the tech industry.
27. Lawrence Lessig
CEO, Creative Commons

Acknowledging his kinglike status in the field, Wired once called him the "Elvis of Cyberlaw" -- and the name stuck. Lawrence Lessig is a professor at Stanford University Law School and founder and chair of Creative Commons (CC), a nonprofit initiative that promotes a free but nonrevocable licensing system for online works. Designed to enable copyright holders to share content and yet still control it, a CC license spells out whether the holder wants to require attribution, restrict commercial use, or allow derivative works under specified circumstances. Musical acts such as DangerMouse and David Byrne have made songs available under the CC's Sampling Plus license for noncommercial sharing and commercial sampling, while restricting advertising uses of it. A wealth of Creative Commons-licensed media is stored in searchable form at the Creative Commons Search page.
28. Meg Whitman
CEO, eBay

If there's an industry that eBay doesn't touch, we haven't found it yet. Whether trying to score a PlayStation 3 on opening week or laboring to complete your set of Thundercats action figures, you have probably visited the venerable king of all auctions. But Meg Whitman, whose tenure as CEO of eBay is now approaching nine years (an era by dot-com standards), has more on her mind than just vintage GI Joe dolls and state quarters. She's also boss of the Web's largest online payment system, PayPal, and proud new owner of the most popular VoIP system, Skype (see #15 ).
29. Ron Wyden
U.S. Senator, Oregon

Oregon's senior U.S. Senator, a Democrat, has long ranked as one of Capitol Hill most influential voices on technology issues. During his tenure, Wyden has authored or co-authored the Science and Technology Emergency Mobilization Act, the Cyber Security Research and Development Act, and the controversial CAN-SPAM Act. (Hey, they can't all be winners.) More recently, Wyden has introduced a bill called the Internet Nondiscrimination Act, which would prevent telecom companies from charging more for delivering content faster.
30. Michael Arrington
Blogger/publisher, TechCrunch

An entrepreneur and former attorney who cofounded Canada's answer to Netflix (Zip.ca), Michael Arrington turned his attention in 2005 to blogging about Web startups. Almost overnight he became a sensation, eliciting the kind of fawning attention from dot-com wannabes that is normally reserved for the likes of men with surnames like Gates and Jobs. With TechCrunch properties now sprawling across six domains, the often-irascible Arrington is indisputably the most powerful technology blogger working today.
Important People #31 through #35

31. Bruce Schneier

Whether his focus is the Transportation Security Administration's latest boneheaded security procedures or the question of how secure a 12-character password really is, Bruce Schneier offers the most lucid (and most profoundly influential) musings on computer security you're likely to find online or off. Schneier's recent writings on security problems associated with the war on terrorism -- abroad, at home, and online -- are required reading.
32. Kevin Rose
Founder, Digg

Everyone who has a story on the Web wants Kevin Rose's users to "digg it." The former TechTV host (and colleague of Leo Laporte -- see #47 ) founded Digg.com in 2004, bringing the power of social networking to the news. Digg's algorithm lets users submit their favorite news stories and vote them up (or down). Digg's expansion beyond technology news to mainstream news categories in June 2006 prompted BusinessWeek to slap a goofy-looking picture of Rose on its cover along with an eyebrow-raising valuation estimate of $60 million. Whether Rose is a multimillionaire or not, his site has plenty of clout on the Internet.
33. David Farber
Founder, Interesting-People.org

Since the early 1990s, David Farber has been running the Interesting-People mailing list. It started as a small e-mail list for friends and colleagues (the interesting people) and turned into the mother lode of online mailing lists. Interesting-People takes on topics from 9/11 to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to Net neutrality and is rife with highly opinionated commentary from some very influential people. Farber is currently a professor of computer science and public policy at Carnegie Mellon University. His past positions include a stint as chief technologist for the Federal Communications Commission.
34. John Hinderaker, Scott Johnson, and Paul Mirengoff
Authors, PowerLine

Political candidates can no longer afford to ignore political blogs, and PowerLine is among the most influential political blogs out there. This neoconservative triumvirate -- three lawyers who met while attending Dartmouth College -- gained their street cred during "RatherGate," when they assembled compelling arguments that the Killian documents, which Dan Rather used in a 60 Minutes newscast on George W. Bush's National Guard service, were fake. Initially, Rather and CBS News poo-pooed the PowerLine bloggers; but in the end, CBS admitted the forgery and Rather resigned.
35. Vinton G. Cerf
Chairman, ICANN Board of Directors, and vice president and chief Internet evangelist, Google

Owing to his role in developing the TCP/IP protocols on which the Net depends, Vinton G. Cerf is one of the founding fathers of the Internet. Much of his work on the protocols occurred during the 1970s and early 1980s while he was employed by DARPA, the Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects Agency. (In honor of their work, Cerf and partner Robert Kahn received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2005.) Currently, Cerf chairs ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), and in 2005 he became Google's vice president and chief Internet evangelist. He has been a strong advocate of Net neutrality, notably in an appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee. He is also working with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory on an Interplanetary Internet for more-robust space communication systems.
Important People #36 through #40

36. Tim O'Reilly
Founder and CEO, O'Reilly Media

O'Reilly coined the phrase "Web 2.0," and he continues to cohost (with John Battelle -- see #26 ) the industry's must-attend Web 2.0 Summit conference. The Harvard-educated publisher laid his foundation in computer manuals. (Many a computer enthusiast would immediately recognize the intricate black-and-white line drawings of animals that grace the covers of O'Reilly books.) But his company has grown to incorporate the new media -- blogs, podcasts, and online news -- he espouses.
37. Drew Curtis
Founder, Fark.com

Lewd, crude, and traffic-generating, Fark.com invites its community of ad hoc commentators to participate in an ongoing brutal but frequently witty dissection of current news stories that sometimes turns into news itself. When the site recently greenlighted a news item under the descriptive headline "Anna Nicole Smith's condition downgraded to dead ," Reuters and other international news outlets reported the crack. The enterprise is still primarily run by one guy: founder and smart-ass Drew Curtis. In January 2007, he launched FarkTV on the SuperDeluxe comedy video site. He is also scheduled to release a book titled It's Not News, It's Fark: How Mass Media Tries to Pass Off Crap as News in May 2007. (Yeah, but your media watchdog wants crap!)
38. Gabe Rivera
Creator, Techmeme

Gabe Rivera has created a powerful content-analysis algorithm that scans traditional news media and blogs, identifies the important stories, and organizes them into easy-to-read clusters. His goal: to find the next big news story so that you don't have to. That's why influential bloggers, decision makers, and news junkies find his site Techmeme a must-read. Whereas Digg (see #32 ) ranks stories by vote, and Slashdot (see #44 ) does so by editorial opinion, the technology underlying Techmeme -- and sister sites WeSmirch, Memeorandum, and Ballbug -- may prove to be the most powerful way to harness the blogosphere's investigative power.
39. Dave Winer
Blogger and author of RSS 2.0

If you are wasting hours a day perusing podcasts, then you have Dave Winer to thank or blame (depending on your point of view). He was one of the inventors of podcasting -- and one of the first bloggers. Winer started his Scripting News blog, which is still well read, back in 1997. He also co-authored the SOAP protocol, an instrumental element in operating-system-independent Web services. Nevertheless, his work on RSS -- the technology behind Web content feeds -- is what really earned him his fame. That, plus his ability to persuade the New York Times to use RSS and his work in amending it to support media files (giving birth to the podcast), makes him the father of modern-day content distribution.
40. Mike Schroepfer
Vice president of engineering, Mozilla

In the ongoing browser war, Mike Schroepfer is a five-star general who leads a massive but decentralized open-source army of staff and volunteer engineers. Its mission: to improve what is right now the best Web browser on the planet, Firefox. The open-source nature of Firefox permits a faster development cycle for incorporating new features and security fixes. The proof of its success is Internet Explorer 7's adoption of FireFox features such as tabbed browsing. See our recent comparative review, " Radically New IE 7 or Updated Mozilla Firefox 2 -- Which Browser Is Better? "
Important People #41 through #45

41. Perez Hilton
Hollywood blogger

Love him or hate him, this controversial blogger (real name: Mario Lavandeira) has changed the face of celebrity journalism. Hilton's hugely popular Web site offers around-the-clock access to celebrity gossip and photos, but that's not the only reason that he's on our list. Hilton is involved in a legal battle with photo agency X17, which has accused him of using its copyrighted photos without permission. Hilton claims that posting the photos on his site is legal, amounting simply to fair use of newsworthy images. The $7.6 million federal lawsuit could have lasting effects on how bloggers everywhere use digital photos online.
42. Paul Graham, Trevor Blackwell, Robert Morris, and Jessica Livingston
Founders, Y Combinator

Rather than sinking a whole lot of money into a handful of companies that may (or may not) turn into the next big Google, venture capital firms like Y Combinator dole out smaller sums to potential mini-Googles. Y Combinator commits to two rounds of funding and dispenses less than $20,000 (expense money, really) to coders so they can work, work, work on a prototype to parlay into more funding. In exchange, Y Combinator asks for 2 to 10 percent of the company's stock. Startups that these guys have funded include Reddit (acquired by CondeNast), Kiko, and Weebly. The names sound funny, sure, but do you remember the first time you heard the name YouTube?
43. Mikko H. Hypponen
Director of antivirus research, F-Secure

F-Secure's security news blog , written by director of antivirus research Mikko H. Hypponen, is one of the Internet's go-to places for learning about the latest security threats. Too bad Sony BMG didn't think so. When directly approached by F-Secure, Sony BMG ignored Hypponen's warnings about a rootkit hidden within the antipiracy software used in certain SonyBMG audio CDs. Though F-Secure didn't initially go public with the news, Windows expert Mark Russinovich detailed the rootkit discovery process on his blog. The resulting embarrassment (and a third-party lawsuit over the rootkit) might encourage Sony to take Hypponen more seriously next time.
44. Rob Malda
Founder, Slashdot.org

In 1997, Rob Malda (aka CmdrTaco ) created Slashdot, the original blog with prioritized news content discussed in posts by snarky (and often highly technical) readers. In fact, the original news story often serves as a mere jumping off point for the site's meaty comments and discussions (fodder for links to more news stories). Even if you prefer Digg (see #32 ), Techmeme (see #38 ), Technorati, or some other news aggregation blog, don't forget that it all started with Slashdot. Authors and editors still consider it a badge of honor when their news story is "slashdotted," though increased competition from other sites has stolen a bit of Slashdot's thunder.
45. Nick Denton
Founder, Gawker Media

Nick Denton's blog empire is so influential and so blogged about that you probably visit at least one of his 15 properties every day through one route or another. With titles that include New York City page six alternative Gawker , Washington, D.C., gossip rag Wonkette , L.A⸀ 攀焀甀椀瘀愀氀攀渀琀 䐀攀昀愀洀攀爀 Ⰰ 愀渀搀 琀攀挀栀 渀攀眀猀 猀椀琀攀 䜀椀稀洀漀搀漀 Ⰰ 䐀攀渀琀漀渀✀猀 攀洀瀀椀爀攀 椀猀 甀渀焀甀攀猀琀椀漀渀愀戀氀礀 琀栀攀 洀漀猀琀 猀甀挀挀攀猀猀昀甀氀 椀渀搀攀瀀攀渀搀攀渀琀 戀氀漀最最椀渀最 瘀攀渀琀甀爀攀 漀渀 琀栀攀 圀攀戀 爀椀最栀琀 渀漀眀Ⰰ 栀漀氀搀椀渀最 挀漀渀猀椀搀攀爀愀戀氀攀 猀眀愀礀 漀瘀攀爀 椀渀搀甀猀琀爀椀攀猀 昀爀漀洀 愀甀琀漀洀漀戀椀氀攀猀 琀漀 䠀漀氀氀礀眀漀漀搀 琀漀 栀椀最栀 琀攀挀栀⸀ ഀ਀䤀洀瀀漀爀琀愀渀琀 倀攀漀瀀氀攀 ⌀㐀㘀 琀栀爀漀甀最栀 ⌀㔀 ഀ਀ഀ਀㐀㘀⸀ 匀椀爀 吀椀洀 䈀攀爀渀攀爀猀ⴀ䰀攀攀ഀ਀䐀椀爀攀挀琀漀爀Ⰰ 圀漀爀氀搀 圀椀搀攀 圀攀戀 䌀漀渀猀漀爀琀椀甀洀 ⠀圀㌀䌀⤀ഀ਀ഀ਀圀栀愀琀 搀漀 礀漀甀 搀漀 愀昀琀攀爀 礀漀甀 椀渀瘀攀渀琀 琀栀攀 圀漀爀氀搀 圀椀搀攀 圀攀戀 愀渀搀 最椀瘀攀 椀琀 愀眀愀礀 昀漀爀 昀爀攀攀㼀 匀琀愀爀琀 愀 挀漀渀猀漀爀琀椀甀洀 琀栀愀琀 眀漀爀欀猀 漀渀 洀愀欀椀渀最 椀琀 戀攀琀琀攀爀 吀栀椀猀 䈀爀椀琀椀猀栀 猀挀椀攀渀琀椀猀琀 搀攀猀椀最渀攀搀 琀栀攀 昀椀爀猀琀 圀攀戀 戀爀漀眀猀攀爀Ⰰ 攀搀椀琀漀爀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 氀愀渀最甀愀最攀 瀀爀漀琀漀挀漀氀 ⠀䠀吀吀倀⤀ 眀栀椀氀攀 攀洀瀀氀漀礀攀搀 愀猀 愀 猀挀椀攀渀琀椀猀琀 愀琀 䌀䔀刀一 ⠀琀栀攀 䔀甀爀漀瀀攀愀渀 伀爀最愀渀椀稀愀琀椀漀渀 昀漀爀 一甀挀氀攀愀爀 刀攀猀攀愀爀挀栀⤀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 栀攀 昀漀甀渀搀攀搀 琀栀攀 圀㌀䌀 椀渀 ㄀㤀㤀㐀⸀ 䠀攀 栀愀猀 爀攀挀攀渀琀氀礀 猀瀀漀欀攀渀 椀渀 昀愀瘀漀爀 漀昀 一攀琀 渀攀甀琀爀愀氀椀琀礀 ⸀ 䄀渀搀 氀椀欀攀 琀栀攀 漀氀搀 昀椀渀愀渀挀椀愀氀 昀椀爀洀 䔀⸀䘀⸀ 䠀甀琀琀漀渀Ⰰ 眀栀攀渀 䈀攀爀渀攀爀猀ⴀ䰀攀 talks, people listen.
47. Leo Laporte
Creator, This Week in Tech (TWiT) podcast

For at least the past 15 years, the man behind Leoville has created, hosted, and written radio and television shows, most notably the former TechTV show Screen Savers. His personality-driven style demonstrated to the world that tech media could be fun. His most recent venture is the TWiT.tv podcast network, a listener-funded enterprise that has gathered some of the old TechTV crew and put them to work creating more than a dozen podcasts, including the eponymous "This Week in Tech."
48. Mohammed and Omar Fadhil
Blogging voice of Iraq

Countless bloggers are filled to the bloviating point with opinions about the Iraq War. But the brothers Fadhil, who blog at Iraq the Model bring a perspective that few others can match -- because they're Iraqis, based in Baghdad. Whatever your political leanings, you'll find it impossible to read the Fadhil's posts without acquiring a deeper understanding of the war, its implications, and its after-effects. There's no better example anywhere of how citizen journalism is changing the world.
49. Jesse James Garrett
President, Adaptive Path

Garrett, the president of San Francisco Web design boutique Adaptive Path , didn't invent Ajax, the assemblage of technologies and programming techniques that gives Web-based applications such as Zoho's productivity apps and Google Maps desktop software-like interactivity and speed. But Ajax didn't really take off until Garrett identified and named it in an influential essay -- and he remains one the most eloquent advocates for the innovative, effective techniques used in many of the best Web 2.0 sites and services.
50. Tila Tequila
MySpace Personality

If you're friends with singer/model/actress Tila Tequila (nee Nguyen), you're hardly alone. Some 1.6 million MySpace users identify themselves similarly. Tequila proved that these MySpace friendships can generate power, fame, and wealth. In fact, she redefined the word "friend" to encompass an individual you've never met. Despite what you may think of Ms. Tequila's talents, she could certainly teach a course in the new Web economy, having channeled her online popularity into A-list (well, C-list) fame. She has posed for Stuff magazine, she has a part in an Adam Sandler film currently in production, and her MySpace page currently boasts more than 56 million page views and 1,734,374 comments.
PC World's Danny Allen, Liane Cassavoy, Stephen Compton, Harry McCracken, and Narasu Rebbapragada contributed to this story.

By Christopher Null
PC World (US)
Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자
K. Pratt

상사에게 절대 말하면 안 되는 5가지

IT 산업에서는 “많을수록 좋다”라는 말이 항상 통하지는 않는다. 모든 정보 공개와 투명성이 IT 업계의 대세라지만, 상사가 사내에서 일어나는 모든 일을 듣고 싶어한다는 말은 아니라는 것이다. 사실, CIO가 절대 듣고 싶지 않은 말이 있다. 컴퓨터월드는 2008 프리미어 100대 IT 기업으로 선정된 기업의 CIO에게 직원들로부터 듣고 싶지 않은 말을 조사했다. 결과는 다음과 같다.

1. 사업적인 것은 모릅니다.

사업에 대해서 모르쇠로 일관하면 안 된다. 미드웨스트 인디펜던트 트랜스미션 시스템 오퍼레이터(Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator)의 CIO인 제임스 신스키는 “사업상으로 어떻게 진행될지는 모르겠지만, 결정이 되는대로 따라가겠다고 말하지 말라”라고 말했다.
세인트 존 대학의 CIO인 조세프 투파노도 이 의견에 동의했다. 그는 “IT 담당 직원은 기술이 어떻게 회사와 직원들의 업무 효율을 높일 수 있는지에 대해서 말해야 한다”고 하면서, “기술을 사업의 맥락에서 이야기할 때 더 신뢰도를 높일 수 없다”고 말했다.

2. 한 개의 솔루션 밖에 없습니다.

유마 카운티(Yuma County)의 CIO인 닐 퍼프는 “특정 기술이나 프로그램 언어, 혹은 제조 업체를 유난히 좋아할 수 있다. 그러나 한 종류의 솔루션이 모든 상황에 맞을 수는 없다”고 말했다. 이어 “이와 같은 태도를 계속 취하면, 꽉 막힌 사람으로 보인다”며, “이 방법만 좋아하고 다른 방법은 좋아하지 않는다고 생각할 것이다”라고 말했다.

3. 이 대리는 ~해서 안 좋은 것 같습니다.

이것은 팀이 프로젝트 만기일을 놓쳤거나 실패했을 경우 가장 간과하기 쉬운 규칙이다. 하지만 다른 사람을 질책하기 전에 꼭 다시 한번 생각해봐야 한다. 특히, 스스로 해결하고자 노력하지 않은 상황에서 상사들은 팀원을 욕하는 것을 듣고 싶어하지 않기 때문이다.

다이렉트 에너지(Direct Energy)의 CIO인 쿠무드 칼리아는 “팀이 함께 일하는 것을 원하지 정치적으로 일하는 것을 원하지는 않는다. 직원들이 정치적으로 일 하는 것이 보면, 서로 욕 먹이고 있는 것으로 생각한다”고 말했다.

하지만 직원들이 회사를 떠날 생각을 하고 있는지 여부처럼 상사가 다른 직원의 문제에 대해서 알고 싶어하는 경우도 있다. 이럴 때는, 상사가 상황에 대해서 알 필요가 있다는 것을 분명히 하고, 분별 있고 객관적으로 말해야 한다.

4. 방법이 없습니다.

미국 티 모바일(T-Mobile)의 CIO인 로버트 스트리클랜드는 모든 것이 가능하다고 확신했다. 그는 “정확한 목표를 달성할 수 없을 때도 있고, 원래 계획 잡혀 있는 방법으로 목표에 도달하지 못할 수도 있다. 그러나 불가능하다고 말하기 전에 직면하고 있는 문제점에 대해서 먼저 이야기하면, 이 문제를 해결할 수 있는 방법을 같이 찾아볼 수 있다”고 말했다. 또, “방법이 없다는 생각을 버리면, 해결할 수 있는 방법이 많다”라고 덧붙였다.

5. 갑작스러운 소식입니다.

대부분의 CIO들은 특히 안 좋은 소식일 경우, 갑작스럽게 듣는 것을 싫어한다고 대답했다. 스콧트레이드(Scottrade)의 CIO인 이안 패터슨은 직원들에게 좋고 나쁜 소식을 직접 듣는 것을 선호한다고 밝혔다. 그래서 누군가 와서 “미리 경고를 좀 해드리고 싶어요(I want to give you a heads up)”라고 말하면 주목하게 된다고 말했다.
더해서 콕스 엔터프라이즈(Cox Enterprises)의 그레고리 모리슨은 뉴스를 늦게 듣는 것보다 빨리 듣는 것을 선호한다고 밝혔다. “뉴스를 빨리 들을 수록, 작은 문제를 재앙으로 만들지 않을 수 있다”고 말했다.


상사에게 꼭 말해야 할 5가지

IT 업계에서 일하고 있는 사람들은 단순히 시키는 것을 하고 안하고가 직장 생활을 좌우한다는 사무실 정치학의 기본적인 규칙을 알고 있다. 이런 기본적인 것을 고수하면서, 그저 순종적인 직원이 되는 것은 직업유지에 도움을 준다. 그러나 당신이 진정으로 발전하고 싶다면, 상사가 알고 싶어하는 정보가 무엇인지 파악해야 한다.

하지만 과유불급. 많은 정보를 준다고 해서 다 좋지는 않기 때문에 항상 신중해야 한다. 고로, 상사가 절대로 듣고 싶어하지 않는 정보의 종류도 알아두어야 한다는 말이다.

지난 '상사에게 말하지 말아야 할 5가지'에 이어 이번에는 상사에게 꼭 말해야 할 5가지를 준비했다.

1. 현실적인 이야기
항상 현실을 직시하고, 정보를 과장하거나 부풀리지 말아야 한다. T-모바일(T-Mobile)CIO인 로버트 스트릭랜드 (Robert Strickland)는 “입에 발린 말을 하거나, 모든 것을 지나치게 부풀려서 시종일관 기대에 못 미치는 것은 IT 명성에 먹칠하는 것이라며, “보통 이런 말과 행동을 자주 하면서도 문제가 있다는 사실조차 깨닫지 못하는 경우가 많다고 말했다.

, 사실과 의견을 제대로 구분해서 전달해야 한다. 유마 카운티(Yuma County) CIO 닐 퍼프(Neal Puff)출처가 불분명한 정보로는 누구도 보호할 수 없다라며, “특별한 경우가 아니면 항상 사실만을 전달해야 한다라고 충고했다. 사실과 의견을 혼동하는 경우가 종종 있다는 설명이다.

아이디어머릿속에 떠오르는 아이디어를 말해야 한다. 디렉트 에너지(Direct Energy)CIO인 큐머드 칼리아(Kumud Kalia)는 “IT 분야의 아이디어가 아닐지라도, 사업을 개선하는데 도움이 되는 아이디어는 모두 말해야 한다라며, “굉장히 단순한 방법이지만, 대부분의 직원들이 기존의 명령체계를 통해야 한다고 생각해 잘 행하지 않는다라고 말했다.

아이디어를 CEOCIO에게 직접 말하면, 주도권을 잡는데 도움이 된다. 어떤 CEOCIO도 사업에 도움이 되는 아이디어를 거절할 사람은 없다는 것을 명심해야 한다.

당신이 원하는 것
좋아하는 업무가 무엇인지, 또 어떤 프로젝트를 맞고 싶은지 원하는 바에 대해서 이야기 해야 한다. 트리델(Tridel Corp) CIO 테드 마울루치(Ted Maulucci)는 언제나 직원들이 가장 즐겁게 일할 수 있는 자리로 옮겨주고 있는데, 이것이 직원의 사기와 생산성을 높이는데 일조한다고 전했다. 따라서, 직원들이 업무면에서 원하는 바에 대해 제대로 이야기 해야 한다고 충고했다.

상사의 의견에 아니오라고 말하는 것처럼 어려운 것이 또 있을까. 하지만 CIO들은 아니오라고 말하는 것을 환영한다고 말했다. 캘리포니아 의과 대학의 CIO인 마이클 에프. 윌리암스(Michael F. Williams)는 동의할 수 없는 상사의 의견에 아니오라고 말하는 것이 일정, 예산, 기술 전반에 도움이 될 수 있다고 충고했다.

하지만 명심해야 할 것은, 항상 대안을 마련해놔야 한다는 것이다. 윌리암스는 상사의 의견에 반대하는 것은 좋지만, 완전히 불가능하게 만드는 것은 좋지 않다라며, “항상 대안을 제시하고 창반 양론에 대한 내용을 말할 수 있어야 한다라고 덧붙였다.

성공 사례
서버의 예기치 못했던 고장, 프로젝트가 망쳤던 일 등 좋지 않은 경험만 듣고 싶어하는 상사는 없다. 프로젝트를 훌륭하게 성공시킨 사례나, 문제점을 해결했던 경험에 대하여 말하는 것이 훨씬 도움이 된다. 칼리아는 현재 IT 종사자들이 자신의 성공사례에 대해서 말하는 것을 주저한다고 전했다. 그는 성공 사례가 떠오르지 않거나, 현재 하고 있는 일이 시덥지 않다고 느끼는 것일 수도 있다라며, “이유야 어쨌건 이런 마인드를 바꿔야 한다고 충고했다.

들은 직원들의 성취경험을 듣고, 다음 번에 더 잘 할 수 있도록 조언해주는 것을 좋아한다. 그리고 이것은 이미 성공한 것을 배우는 것만으로 끝나는 것이 아니라, 다른 사람들과 공유를 하면서 더 발전할 수 있는 기회라는 것을 기억해야만 한다.


Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자

Online office apps get real: Google Docs vs. ThinkFree vs. Zoho

Web-based suites have become real challengers to desktop applications

July 16, 2008 (Computerworld) Web-based office suites are coming into their own at last. For quite a while, Web-based suites -- which offered word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, and other tools associated with desktop office suites -- were extolled not because they did these things well, but because they could do them at all. But the three major competitors, Google Docs, ThinkFree, and Zoho, have all made major improvements in recent months. They're becoming both broader, with more applications, and deeper, with more features and functionality in existing apps.

The question is: Are these three applications really ready to take on a desktop-based heavy hitter like Microsoft Office?

True challengers to Office?

Microsoft Office (primarily its Word, Excel and PowerPoint applications) has long been famous for including every possible feature, no matter how obscure -- and for imposing a hefty load of code on your hard drive to provide all those features, not to mention the heavyweight user interface it takes to support them.

Early versions of Web-based productivity suites tried hard to imitate Office, but they were at a double disadvantage: They didn't offer anything like the feature set of the Microsoft applications, and they were severely handicapped by what it was possible to do in a browser (in controlling the on-screen display of the text sizes and attributes, for example).

A couple of things have happened over time, however. One is that the programmability of browsers has been radically improved, beginning with AJAX techniques. Support for standards has improved as well (though there's still a lot of ground to be made up here), so that advanced tricks with cascading style sheets, for example, work more dependably across the available browsers and provide much better on-screen rendering of the documents.

Another change has been the spread of the open-source software movement. Desktop competitors to Microsoft Office, such as OpenOffice.org, have begun to get some traction. These suites may not come with all the features of the Office apps, but they don't come with its price tag, either. They also offer good functionality, good support for Office document formats (as well as truly open formats of their own), and you pay whatever you want to pay -- or nothing at all. As a result, users have become more open to considering alternatives to Microsoft's ubiquitous suite.

The contenders

While Google Docs, ThinkFree and Zoho vary in the breadth of the applications they offer, their features and their usability, they are all capable of doing real, useful work. They do what you expect of productivity apps -- create documents, spreadsheets and presentations -- in sophisticated fashion.

Then they take advantage of the fact that they are Web-based to add another level of productivity. In various ways, they incorporate "presence" features that let you enable collaboration with others from within the apps themselves -- you can e-mail files, share access to files (either read-only or read/write) with individual contacts or groups, or publish files (to a blog, a Web page, or a select group of contacts).

All three of these Web-based suites are free, and an account includes storage for your documents (ThinkFree and Zoho offer 1GB; Google doesn't specify a size limit, but it lets you store up to 5,000 documents and 5,000 images online).

And because you work in a Web browser, they're cross-platform applications by default: You can create a presentation on a Linux box at home, edit it on a Mac at the office, and display it on a client's PC. Support for mobile devices is still in its early stages, but versions of some of the apps are available for smart phones as well.

Google Docs

Google Inc.'s Google Docs sticks to the basics but does them elegantly. It offers just the classic three productivity applications: word processor, spreadsheet and presentation editor. But its user interface seems especially well thought-out.

Its file organizer is uncluttered but provides a very usable management console for uploading, downloading and creating new files in any of the suite's three applications. The Google Docs word processor and presentation apps present particularly clean user interfaces -- something they can get away with because they provide arguably the least functionality of the three suites.

Google, of course, offers a variety of Web-based apps, some of which can also be considered important parts of any productivity suite -- Gmail, for example, or Google Calendar. However, they are not really integrated with the other applications (except via a small set of links on the top left of each Google page).

Web office apps

Google Docs has made many small improvements in the last year, and one really big one -- Gears (until very recently called Google Gears), a software platform that works as a browser extension to let you take your documents offline, work with Web applications while you're disconnected, and then sync your changes automatically when you reconnect. Besides Google Docs, a handful of other Web apps (including rival Zoho) currently work with Gears, and more are expected.

ThinkFree Online

ThinkFree Corp.'s ThinkFree Online can be used independently, but users are heavily encouraged to use it as an adjunct to ThinkFree Office, the offline software version. For example, its sync tool, ThinkFree Manager, is available to all buyers of its desktop version of ThinkFree Office, so documents stored in a ThinkFree Web account can be worked on offline and automatically synced when you reconnect.

ThinkFree has also improved the integration of its apps with a file-management console called "My Office" that supports hierarchical folders, and tracks files you have published or shared with others.

Web office apps

ThinkFree has also added an offline capability for all users of its online apps by letting them download and install an ad-supported version of the ThinkFree Office desktop apps, and including ThinkFree Manager, an offline file manager that keeps track of local files. When a Web connection is available, you can log into ThinkFree Manager and run a sync process that synchronizes all the documents changed while you were offline with their online versions stored in your ThinkFree Web account. ThinkFree has also improved the integration of its online apps with a file-management console called "My Office" that supports hierarchical folders and tracks files you have published or shared with others.

ThinkFree Online offers the same three applications as Google Docs, plus a couple of extras that are more or less "coming attractions":

  • A Workspace application that doesn't do much yet but looks as if it is intended to be a collaboration space that would let a team share documents and create threaded discussions.
  • A billboard for a forthcoming Notes application that ThinkFree describes as a "Web Editor" that will handle formats such as .doc, .docx (the current Office standard) and PDF, and will offer WYSIWYG features not currently found in the current ThinkFree word processor.

ThinkFree's user interface ranks only slightly behind that of Google Docs: Visually, it feels slightly more cluttered, but its file organizer works well, and its applications perhaps come the closest of the three Web-based offerings to matching the functionality of Microsoft Office. ThinkFree makes a selling point of its close resemblance to Office, in fact: The applications look and work like the traditional Office 97/2003 apps (before Office 2007 and the Ribbon interface came along).


If there's a trophy for the company that takes Web-based apps the most seriously, Zoho may have already retired it. The company offers something like 20 products online, some free and some not, which range from basic productivity apps to customer relationship management systems and webconferencing tools.

Web office apps

The range of applications is large, but their integration as a suite is spotty. Once you log in, you can switch to other Zoho apps without having to log in again each time, but each application is a stand-alone. While Google Docs and ThinkFree offer file organizer views that let you organize your files into folders and see them all in one place, Zoho does not. Each application shows you just the files you have created in that app in a long list that you can sort, but not subdivide into folders.

Zoho has begun to build offline operation into its applications by making them compatible with Google's Gears. Currently Writer utilizes Gears, but other Zoho apps don't yet.

So which of these Web-based suites would be the best to use in place of Microsoft Office (or any other desktop suite)?

Word processing

Word processing was one of the personal computer's first killer apps, and it is still the cornerstone of any productivity suite.

Google Docs is the lightweight in the group, with the fewest word-processing features (even its find-and-replace function is marked "beta," which tells you something), but this is not necessarily a bad thing. If you like a clean interface, then Google's word processor is for you. Documents open by default in a new "fixed-width" view that's the equivalent of looking at the "page preview" mode of Microsoft Word.

And Docs does have some interesting tricks -- it lets you treat the document as a Web page and edit its HTML and CSS information, for example. Given that you can "publish" any Google document as a Web page with its own URL, this means you can create Web pages that you can update from anywhere without needing to FTP files to your Web site.

It takes a lot for a Web app to handle user interface issues such as formatting the on-screen display of type fonts and supporting the extensive file management that's a big part of word processing. All three of these word processors are capable of tasks such as formatting the typefaces, placing and sizing graphics, arranging paragraphs, and setting up tables. But only ThinkFree offers the really sophisticated features, such as letting you format a hanging indent. (This apparently has as much to do with the user interface as it does coding -- Google Docs and Zoho preserve hanging indents in imported documents, but there's no place in their interfaces for you to create one.)

In fact, ThinkFree's word processor gives you the most features (or the most unimportant ones, depending on how you feel about, say, drop caps), and the most control over things like the content of headers and footers.

Zoho Writer falls nicely in the middle. It offers more formatting control than Google Docs (it's easier to set up a header and footer in Zoho Writer, for example, than it is in either of the other suites) but it isn't as feature-heavy as ThinkFree.

Zoho Writer's support for Google's Gears is another plus. Writer added the feature late last year, becoming one of the first non-Google apps to work with the technology. Other recent Writer improvements include pagination, document headers and footers, an equation editor with LaTeX support, and more.

Google Docs and Zoho Writer both include "presence" features that show you who else is editing the document in real time. Zoho goes even further to support chat, allowing you to either broadcast messages to all other users, or click on an individual in the Collaborators list and open a private chat window.

In testing, ThinkFree was the only app that had noticeable performance issues, mostly because it seemed to need to download Java code almost every time a new document type was opened, or after its browser window was closed or the computer was rebooted. ThinkFree also seemed to be more at the mercy of overall network performance than either Google Docs or Zoho.

Picking a winner:

Overall Google Docs wins by a nose over Zoho Writer. Both let you work offline with Gears, and both maintain version histories. Google Docs takes the lead with its leaner, cleaner user interface and unified file management. ThinkFree is a good choice for Microsoft Word fans, but its performance issues keep it in third place.


The quality of the three suites' spreadsheet apps closely mirrors that of their word processors: All three offer clean user interfaces, good compatibility with Microsoft Excel, and only slight -- but important -- variations in their feature sets.

Zoho is the spreadsheet features winner. It will do pivot tables, macros and conditional formatting -- three capabilities that mark the current state of the art for spreadsheets. Google Docs does pivot tables via a plug-in. ThinkFree has promised a new version of its Calc app with pivot tables and macros, but as this was written, it had not yet delivered them.

There is less variation in the user interfaces of the three spreadsheet apps than there is in the word processors, perhaps because they all stick pretty close to Excel. However, there are some differences.

Both Google Docs' and Zoho Sheet's user interfaces are clean and consistent with their word processor's interfaces. ThinkFree Calc's user interface shows the suite's devotion to Office Excel in its menus and feature set.

ThinkFree Calc has a weakness that's also a minor annoyance in its word-processing and presentation apps: Its font rendering is not of the same quality as Google's and Zoho's. Large characters can look a little ragged, and blocks of smaller type lack the smoothness and contrast that the other apps show. It makes the ThinkFree apps look a little retro.

The Google Docs spreadsheet app, like its word processor, offers a limited number of features, but the defaults the designers have chosen are good ones. The charting function is one example: It works differently from Excel, but the difference allows you to select a multicolumn range for the chart -- the first column becomes the labels, and the second furnishes the chart data.

Google Docs gets extra points for its Gadgets, which are plug-ins that let it do fancier things with graphics -- you can create org charts or Gantt charts or interactive charts, for example. Other Gadgets let you use graphic objects in charts, or add Google features like Maps and Search.

Google Docs shows you who else is editing the spreadsheet and offers three tabs that let you publish (show the document on a public page), share (allow others to view and/or edit the document) and discuss (have a live chat with other users -- which raises the question of why we can't have this chat function in Google Docs' word processor, too). Zoho Sheet does something like this as well, although the user interface is different than that in Zoho Write.

All three spreadsheet apps felt slower than their counterpart word processors. Editing formulas or rearranging the columns of a worksheet at times seemed painfully slow. Odd things happened occasionally, as well. For example, rearranging the columns in a relatively simple Google Docs worksheet apparently resulted in some cell references disappearing from formulas. Zoho Sheet repeatedly posted an error message that a "script" in the relatively simple test worksheet wouldn't stop running.

Picking a winner:

Zoho Sheet clearly has the best feature set -- at least for the moment -- and its integration of chat and publish functions shows why Web-based applications will be so important.


If you use presentation apps to customize existing stock presentations for specific audiences by rearranging slides and changing text, then Web-based apps may serve your needs nicely. But if you're the Cecil B. DeMille of PowerPoint -- if your presentations are loaded with reveals and fly-in objects and transitions -- you may find that even ThinkFree, the most full-featured of the lot, is barely adequate.

The presentation apps in the Web-based suites are more limited than the word-processing and spreadsheet applications. ThinkFree Show sticks closely to PowerPoint, but Google Docs and Zoho Show are both missing standard, often-used features like layout grids and slide transitions -- and even, in the case of Google Docs, clip art.

Even ThinkFree has its limitations. It won't do everything PowerPoint does. Among other things, its selections of presentation designs and clip art are limited, and there's no "insert movie" feature.

Another limitation is size -- all three Web-based suites limit the size of presentations you can upload from your computer to 10MB. That's obviously a number chosen to hold down file transfer times, because presentations -- especially if they include video or many photographs -- can be much larger.

Fortunately, once your presentation is uploaded, it can grow to whatever the limits of your storage space are. If you customize your presentations by combining slides from several sources, then you'll want to use Google Docs or ThinkFree: They let you cut and paste slides between presentations; Zoho doesn't.

However, Zoho compensates for some of its shortcomings by offering the widest variety of presentation design templates (about 50), and the most useful clip art and symbol collections. ThinkFree includes 33 presentation designs, and Google Docs only has 15.

Google Docs, for its part, does one trick the others don't -- you can embed a YouTube video in a slide. Given that just about any video is, or can be, available on YouTube, that can be very useful. (You don't suppose it has anything to do with the fact that Google owns YouTube, do you?)

Google Docs has another feature, in some ways more impressive, that it shares with Zoho Show: you can invite others via e-mail to watch the presentation while you control it. It's an easy way to support a conference call with visuals -- put up the agenda and other information as a quick presentation, and send an invitation to the attendees as a group. When they click on a link, they'll join a real-time presentation that you can control.

Zoho improves on this, although the process is more complicated: You can view the speaker notes while hiding them from your audience. And thanks to the range of Zoho's online applications, you can switch to Zoho Meeting from within the presentation and share your desktop with the attendees. (Unsharing the desktop and getting back into controlling the presentation, though, can be a challenge.)

Picking a winner:

Zoho Show's wide variety of templates and clip art makes it the most useful of the three apps, and its integration with Zoho Meeting gives you a new presentation tool you haven't had before.

Leveraging the Web

All three suites take interesting advantage of the fact that they are Web-based, but we're still in the learning-to-crawl stage.

The creators of Google Docs, ThinkFree and Zoho have obviously put a lot of thought into how a productivity suite might leverage the power of the Web. In Google's case, that means tying Docs to other Google applications -- which sometimes works better in theory than it does in practice. You can schedule an "event" around a Google Docs presentation by inviting viewers and putting an entry into your Google Calendar, but when the appointed hour comes, all you get is a pop-up reminder. Why couldn't Google Docs open to the presentation, start it, and set you as the presenter? Or at least put a link to the presentation into the pop-up?

Integration with e-mail seems an obvious plus for a Web-based app, but none of the suites do much with it. Zoho's Share dialog gives you the option of receiving an update message when the document is edited by a collaborator, and Google Docs does something similar, but not consistently -- you can subscribe to an RSS feed within Google Docs documents that's supposed to display an update when collaborators make edits, but for spreadsheets you get an e-mail, not an RSS option.

Google Docs allows you to select contacts to share documents with by opening your Gmail contacts list. However, neither Zoho nor ThinkFree knows about your e-mail contacts, which seems curious, given how common it is for other Web-based apps like social-networking sites to prompt you for your e-mail account information and suck in all your contacts.

Cross-platform performance is another area that needs development. One of the advantages of using Web-based applications and file storage is that you can work on a variety of platforms from a variety of locations. All three suites ran more or less well in a Firefox 2.0 browser on Windows, Mac and Linux. They even worked on a minimally configured Linux-based Asus Eee.

But even Google Docs, which offered the most responsive performance of the suites, hit a user interface wall with the Eee's 800- by 480-pixel screen: The dialog box for creating a chart in a spreadsheet was too big for the screen, so the "OK" button couldn't be clicked. This kind of problem is endemic to apps on the increasingly popular breed of ultramobile PCs, and they need careful attention from developers.

Picking a winner:

Of the three suites, Google Docs provides the most Internet connectivity, even though, as noted, there's still a long way to go here. Google's generally good support for mobile devices also contributes to the potential of the Web applications platform Google is putting together.


Web-based productivity suites have made a transition. While at first they simply imitated desktop applications in a Web browser, the current versions add features that begin to integrate the social computing features of the Web. At the same time, they've begun to grow away from simply imitating Microsoft Office to developing personalities of their own.

They share common ingredients, but the recipes vary. Google Docs begins with Google's deep understanding of Web application development and yields apps that are consistently usable, if not always feature-rich. ThinkFree comes from the opposite direction: It began by working hard to replicate the Office user experience in a browser and now needs to focus on Web-enabling the apps. Zoho seems to have the best understanding of the value the Web adds to productivity apps, but Zoho applications don't always match the usability of Google's.

Taken together, the suites prove that Web-based productivity is no longer a contradiction in terms. They have gotten good enough not only to be useful on their own, but also to give an indication of some of the new uses they will make possible as they continue to grow into the Web.

Freelance writer David DeJean began writing about computers after Cobol but before C++. He has worked for newspapers, magazines, trade publications and Web sites.

Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자